This page gives a list of possible problems in the perception part of the
Pancake Demo. The list is sorted by relevance, so never trust yourself,
and check them.
HW checklist:
enough light?
cameras switched on? RightEyeCalc should deliver data
Images should show the pancake white and the background black (rviz)
Kinect is switched on and delivers data (rviz)
Swissranger is switched on and delivers data (rviz)
cop runs on amy
SW checklist:
correct cop_config?
PanCakeDetector in the list of Algorithms
PanCake in SignatureDB
PanCakeMaker in SignatureDB
All cop_plugins compiled w/o error?
tutorials/troubleshoot-cop.txt · Last modified: 2011/07/26 12:38 by klank · [Old revisions]