fingerpub and surfaceClassifier

In order to do surface classification these two nodes should be running. Start the fingerpub node (./bin/fingerpub) first and then the surfaceClassifier (./bin/surfaceClassifier).

fingerpub reads information directly from the sensors and publishes it as adns messages (adns.msg) in the fingertip/adns topic. It also implements a service called ChangeActiveSensor that the surfaceClassifier node uses to specify the active sensor.

surfaceClassifier subscribes to the fingertip/adns topic and is used to create, save and edit models, as well as doing the surface classification (prediction). This node also subscribes to a topic fingertip/classifier_command, which one can use to send commands to it in order to do the mentioned tasks (create, save, edit, etc). When “predicting” (recognizing surfaces) this node publishes the recognized surfaces as a string message in the fingertip/detected_class.

Command list

You can send commands to the surfaceClassifier using the following instruction:

rostopic pub -1 /fingertip/classifier_command std_msgs/String <command_name>
rostopic pub -1 /fingertip/classifier_command std_msgs/String <command_name:parameter>

This is the list of commands that you can send:

Command Function
normal Sets normal mode, this means no image is sent in the adns message and data from all connected sensors is sent. This mode is used for other purposes but not for surface recognition.
frame0 Chooses sensor 0 as active sensor. The fingerpub node will send adns messages (including images) belonging only to this sensor. If sensor is not connected a message will be displayed. When adding a class to the model or predicting, the selected sensor can be changed “on the fly”, before stoptraining or stoppredict.
frame1 Same as frame0 but selects sensor 1.
frame2 Same as frame0 but selects sensor 2.
frame3 Same as frame0 but selects sensor 3.
addclass:classname Adds a new class to the model and automatically starts adding frames to it. The stoptraining command must be sent to stop adding frames for this class. If you want to use the model at a later time, remember to save it using the savemodel command.
removeclass:classname Removes the specified class from the current loaded model. To save the changes permanently in the model file remember to savemodel.
listclasses List the classes in the current loaded model.
clearmodel Clears all the classes in the current loaded model. The model file is not affected if you don't savemodel.
stoptraining To stop adding frames to a class.
pausetraining To pause adding frames to a class.
resumetraining To resume adding frames to a class.
buildsvm To build the SVM (Support Vector Machine). A model must be created or loaded first.
predict To start recognizing surfaces. An SVM must be built first. The recognized surfaces are published in the fingertip/detected_class topic.
stoppredict To stop prediction (surface recognition) and stop publishing the recognized surfaces.
savemodel Saves changes made to the current loaded model permanently into the model file for later use. IMPORTANT: it always writes to model.bin
loadmodel It adds classes in model.bin to the current loaded model.

command sequence example

Assuming sensor 0 is connected.

rostopic pub -1 /fingertip/classifier_command std_msgs/String frame0

rostopic pub -1 /fingertip/classifier_command std_msgs/String addclass:table
rostopic pub -1 /fingertip/classifier_command std_msgs/String stoptraining

rostopic pub -1 /fingertip/classifier_command std_msgs/String addclass:paper
rostopic pub -1 /fingertip/classifier_command std_msgs/String stoptraining

rostopic pub -1 /fingertip/classifier_command std_msgs/String addclass:breadboard
rostopic pub -1 /fingertip/classifier_command std_msgs/String pausetraining
rostopic pub -1 /fingertip/classifier_command std_msgs/String resumetraning
rostopic pub -1 /fingertip/classifier_command std_msgs/String stoptraining

rostopic pub -1 /fingertip/classifier_command std_msgs/String buildsvm

rostopic pub -1 /fingertip/classifier_command std_msgs/String predict
rostopic pub -1 /fingertip/classifier_command std_msgs/String stoppredict

If you want to save the model for a later time then

rostopic pub -1 /fingertip/classifier_command std_msgs/String savemodel

To use the saved model at a later time, load it, build the svm, choose a sensor that is connected and then start predicting or editing the model. For example:

rostopic pub -1 /fingertip/classifier_command std_msgs/String loadmodel
rostopic pub -1 /fingertip/classifier_command std_msgs/String buildsvm
rostopic pub -1 /fingertip/classifier_command std_msgs/String frame0
rostopic pub -1 /fingertip/classifier_command std_msgs/String predict
rostopic pub -1 /fingertip/classifier_command std_msgs/String stoppredict

Viewing sensor images

rosrun image_view image_view image:=/fingertip/image<X>

Where <X> is the sensor you want to see (0-3).

projects/surface_classifier.txt · Last modified: 2012/07/17 14:53 by humalvarez · [Old revisions]
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