X-IST Dataglove Software

This is the software package that we have made for our dataglove which is equipped with 15 bend sensors (3 per finger, one for each joint), 5 force sensors (one on each fingertip) and 2 acceleration sensors which can measure the tilt of the glove. The information how far the fingers (and thumb!) are stretched apart is missing. Also, the glove can not (by itself) detect, whether the palm is up or down. The glove can record 60 frames per second. It is attached through a USB cable, reports as an FTDI USB-to-serial-converter (/dev/ttyUSB[0-9]) and sends its data in a simple binary mode (however, each packet must be requested with a command).

The asignment of the joint angles to the channels is as follows:

Channel Joint
1 Bend Thumb 1
2 Bend Thumb 2
3 Bend Thumb 3
4 Bend Index 1
5 Bend Index 2
6 Bend Index 3
7 Bend Middle 1
8 Bend Middle 2
9 Bend Middle 3
10 Bend Ring 1
11 Bend Ring 2
12 Bend Ring 3
13 Bend Pinkie 1
14 Bend Pinkie 2
15 Bend Pinkie 3
16 Pressure Thumb
17 Pressure Index
18 Pressure Middle
19 Pressure Ring
20 Pressure Pinkie
21 rotate x
22 rotate y

DataGlove DataGlove control box

  • The glovelog application is the simplest way to get data from the glove. It dumps it to stdout, with a timestamp at the beginning of each line.
  • A player driver plugin dataglove provides an aio interface where it provides all 24 values it gets from the box (requires player 2.1 or higher).
  • The hand-viewer connects to player and displays a 3d hand model by assigning sensor values to joint angles. It performs an online calibration by monitoring the minimum/maximum values for each sensor (for the acceleration sensors this is only done when the signal is stable).


  • A simple calibration tool cal-hand monitors these minimum/maximum values and writes a calibration file when it is closed by SIGINT (Ctrl-C).
  • A supplementary log-control application provides command line control to the player log interface. It requires two patches to be applied.
  • A script uses the last two tools to run the calibration over a set of logs.


X-IST is the company in Berlin that produces the glove.

Users Manual

DataGlove programs

projects/dataglove.txt · Last modified: 2013/01/13 11:40 by amaldo · [Old revisions]
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