1. Install ROS box-turtle (http://www.ros.org/wiki/ROS/Installation/Ubuntu/Deb) 2. Check out tumros-internal repository: git clone gitosis@git9.in.tum.de:tumros-internal 3. OID5 Code Repository! Give your public ssh key to Alexis for this to work! hg clone ssh://repo@nibbler.informatik.tu-muenchen.de//work/repos/hg/oid5
To startup the iCub follow the instructions at: http://toychest.in.tum.de/wiki/ias:icub in section "Startup". (If you want to check the cameras: In Application Manager click on "Run" at yarpview (left or right) , then click on "Run" at frameGrabberGui and then click on "Connect" to connect those modules.)
1. Configure namespace: rosrun yarp2 yarp namespace /icub 2. Set Icup Laptop IP address for yarp: rosrun yarp2 yarp conf 10000 3. Run ROS Core: roscore 4. Run Face Detector Node in tumros-internal/perception/face_detector_mono/launch: roslaunch face_detect_with_yarp_image.launch (Set Port Connection for communication rosrun yarp2 yarp connect /yarp_to_ros_image /gaze_tracker/cam_in )
1. On local computer: Shut down Face Detector
2. On the iCub Laptop: a. In the Application Manager click on Ctrl-c on all green modules. b. In the terminal Ctrl-C the shell script
Turn off power switch