AlgorihthmEval: configuring over XML

The XML tag AlgorihthmEval contains four elemens on top level:

        <LocateAlgorithm|RefineAlgorihtm|ProveAlgorihtm|AttentionAlgorithm />

The first (necessarily the first) will be loaded by on of the plugin loader for Algorithms (Locate, Refine, Prove, Attention), this tag can have any name.

The second one specifies if the algorithm is able be iteratively called and if it can work to detect more than one object.

Eval and Avg time are the initial Evaluation.

Possible LocateAlgorihtms are:









Possible RefineAlgorihtms are:





See also <Visualfinder>, <VisLearner>, <AttentionManager>

algorithmeval.txt · Last modified: 2010/04/15 16:56 by klank · [Old revisions]
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