This page gives a list of possible problems in the perception part of the Pancake Demo. The list is sorted by relevance, so never trust yourself, and check them. ====== HW checklist: ====== * enough light? * cameras switched on? RightEyeCalc should deliver data * Images should show the pancake white and the background black (rviz) * Kinect is switched on and delivers data (rviz) * Swissranger is switched on and delivers data (rviz) * cop runs on amy ====== SW checklist: ====== * correct cop_config? - PanCakeDetector in the list of Algorithms - PanCake in SignatureDB - PanCakeMaker in SignatureDB * All cop_plugins compiled w/o error? - cop_halcon_plugin - cop_cad_plugin - cop_sr4_plugin