====== Rosie Bringup Procedure ====== * Checkout and compile the following stacks into your ROS overlay. Contact [[http://ias.cs.tum.edu/people/kresse|Ingo]] if you do not have an access. ias_manipulation ias_manipulation_nonfree mapping tumros-internal * Add your overlay and the "aux" folder to your package path by sourcing the following in your ".bashrc" export ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=$HOME/ros/overlay:/opt/ros/electric/aux:$ROS_PACKAGE_PATH * make sure your ssh keys are working (authorized on the robot and loaded into your agent) * make sure, the robot computers ssh fingerprints are known. * Setup halcon environment variables by putting the following into your ".bashrc": export HALCONROOT=/usr/local/halcon10 export HALCONARCH=x86sse2-linux2.4-gcc40 export HALCONARCH=x64-linux2.4-gcc40 export HALCONIMAGES=${HALCONROOT}/images export PATH=${HALCONROOT}/bin/${HALCONARCH}:${PATH} export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${HALCONROOT}/lib/${HALCONARCH}:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/lib/pkgconfig/ export GENICAM_ROOT_V1_1=${HALCONROOT}/genicam export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:${GENICAM_ROOT_V1_1}/lib64 * Rosmake "rosie_dashboard" and "rosie_bringup" packages. * Turn on both arms using the switch on the {{:tutorials:arm-switch-kuka.jpg?linkonly|Kuka control boxes}} and wait for 5min. * The configuration of the key switch on the teaching pendant has to be as {{:tutorials:teaching_pendant.jpg?linkonly|following}}. Possibly you need to disengage the red emergency switch and press the button right of the key switch (the one with "I" symbol) * Disengage the {{:tutorials:safety-switch.jpg?linkonly|emergency stop}} for the base and the PC modules. * Re-connect power for the Kinect sensor (TODO: still needed? If yes upload the pic) * Launch rosie_dashboard rosrun rosie_dashboard rosie_dashboard * Turn on the relays (you should hear the click-click sound) rosrun power_relay on * Setup yarp rosrun yarp2 yarp detect rosrun yarp2 yarp namespace /kuka rosrun yarp2 yarp detect --write * Set ROS_MASTER_URI in ~/.bashrc: export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://leela:11311 * Run the rosie.launch file: roslaunch rosie_bringup rosie.launch * Use the Wii controller as {{:tutorials:wii2.jpg?linkonly|following}}. * In "demo_scripts" package (tumros-internal) there are also several demo programs ====== Rosie Bringdown Procedure ====== * Terminate "rosie.launch" * Turn off the relays (you should hear the click-click sound) rosrun power_relay off * Switch off the arms on {{:tutorials:arm-switch-kuka.jpg?linkonly|Kuka control boxes}}. * Engage the {{:tutorials:safety-switch.jpg?linkonly|emergency stop}} for the base and the PC modules. * Disconnect the Kinect sensor.