====== YARP installation on the icubsrv (Laptop that comes with the iCub) ====== Make sure that the following programs are installed: sudo apt-get install cmake libace-dev subversion cmake-curses-gui libgtk2.0-dev libgsl0-dev libreadline-dev g++ libncurses5-dev libgtkmm-2.4-dev libglademm-2.4-dev libcv-dev libhighgui-dev libcvaux-dev libode-dev Optional: Install OpenCV from sources: Download OpenCV from here: [[http://opencv.willowgarage.com/wiki/ |OpenCV]] and install it by following this steps:[[http://opencv.willowgarage.com/wiki/InstallGuide | OpenCV_Installation]] ===== 1) Get the yarp repositories. ===== Make sure that the yarp source that you will download is inside: cd /exports/code-64 NOTE: Please, first make sure that there is no folder named: yarp inside this directory, if so, move the folder away mv yarp yarp.cvs and download the yarp sources: cd /exports/code-64 svn co https://yarp0.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/yarp0/trunk/yarp2 Make sure to that the environment variables of yarp are set up correctly gedit /home/icub/.bashrc export YARP_ROOT=/usr/local/src/robot/yarp2 ===== 2) Create YARP make files ===== cd /exports/code-64/yarp2 mkdir build cd build ccmake ../ Hit 'c' to configure. Choose the following options: CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to "Release" CREATE_GUIS, set to ON CREATE_LIB_MATH, set to ON CREATE_YMANAGER, set to ON CREATE_GYARPMANAGER, set to ON Hit 'c' again to configure and then hit 'g' to configure ===== 3) Compile YARP ===== cd /exports/code-64/yarp2/build make **IMPORTANT:**__** DO NOT**___ "sudo make install"